Cartwheeling headlong into a river with gay abandon wearing full-length pants, is more than a sign of freedom from social expectations. It is the virus of spontaneity, one that seems to infect rural children, turning them into dynamos of pulsating energy and unmotivated delight. It is such a joy for us to watch these acrobatic displays by village children on the river Cauvery, unpretentious yet so captivating for its impressive skills and sense of gaiety.
These simple pleasures of childhood and youth are becoming rare. More so in our cities where they are giving way to a world of Playstations and simulated experiences for urban children.
Entertaining and enthralling as these toys are, can they compare to the immersive experience of a headlong river dive in real time? May the appeal of the virtual world not rob our children of the splendors of nature and the rewards of the simple life!